New eQSLs

Another batch of eQSLs were waiting to be downloaded. As usual, I’m just showing some of the “non standard” eQSL cards…

SP DX Contest

I took part in the SP DX Contest as Single OP, All Bands, Low Power, CW only. I participated 8 out of the 24 hours. Pretty pleased with my 250 Polish contacts.

New eQSLs downloaded

Some 75 eQSLs were waiting to be downloaded from my ON4CAS account. Unfortuantely, some HAMs seem to have little imagination when it comes to QSL design as they simply use the standard cards provided by eQSL which are – how…


Throughout the month of April ’23, the UBA board members and its HF committee will air the special station OT23WARD celebrating World Amateur Radio Day which takes place in April. I’m part of the operator team. A commemorative certificate is…

Volunteers On The Air (VOTA)

The ARRL is honoring its volunteers. The “Volunteers On The Air (VOTA)” program runs through the year 2023. Depending on their “job” ARRL volunteers will get you some points, but regular members can boost your score too. As a Card…

Rockall Island

If all goes as planned, Rockall Island, the #1 IOTA reference of Europe will be activated early June. The rock has only been activated twice and the demand will be huge. Here’s an interesting presentation about the 2023 DXPedition. Please…

eQSL just downloaded

Since it was about a week or so I last downloaded my eQSL inbox, I took the time to import the newly received eQSLs in my DX4WIN & HAM OFFICE logbookprograms. Some 75 cards were waiting to be downloaded. Here…

Restart DXCluster

During the recent DXpeditions (3Y0J and FT8WW) the DXCluster was abused by fake users, fake spots, fake callsigns and even been used to send out discriminating text towards individuals. We think this needs to stop right here and now. A…