Categorie Awards

DA0HQ Award updated

The DARC advised the HAM community that the updated DA0HQ awards are now available for download. So far, ON4CAS made 177 contacts with DA0HQ, the DARC headquarter station which is active every second weekend of July during the IARU HF…

W1W World Amateur Radio Day

3,141 Amateur radio operators worldwide managed to contact the special event station W1W aired at the occasion of the 2023 World Amateur Radio Day. ON4CAS was among them and a handsome certificate commemorating this contact was just received.

FT8 Awards once more ;-)

Yes, that’s right. Another two new awards were achieved in FT8 mode. It seems the FT8DMC club and other offer awards for almost any contacts 😉 Some more are even in the pipeline as I applied making use of the…