Categorie Amateur Radio

World Wide Award 2024

I  feel ambiguous about this one. To achieve a competitive score, it was required to work the same stations day after day during the month of January. An idea which wasn’t appealing to me. So I limited myself to working…

World Wide Award 2024 electronic QSLs

During the month of January ’24, the WWA activity was organized. Numerous stations with WWA suffix and others were active for this event. To get a “decent” score one was required to contact one and the same station again day…

Worked DIG Members – 2100 sticker

Diplom Interessen Gruppe: my favorite club. Uninterrupted member since 1978 (DIG#2068). With melancholy I remember the numerous meetings in Gemünd (Germany), Podborany (Czech Rep.)  and elsewhere. Very excited today to receive the “Worked DIG Members” with an endorsement for 2100…