Categorie Amateur Radio

DXCC Updated

Having received my 3Y0J Bouvet Island confirmation via LoTW, I made a swift update of my DXCC account. I now hold 338 current DXCC entities confirmed. Now, I can only (impatiently) wait for a DXpedition to Johnston Island and Kure…

No more Russian Awards

Egbert Hertsen | ON4CAS

Please note that, effective Feb. 24, ’22, I am NO longer chasing any Russian or Belarusian awards. Most of the clubs and organizations in both countries appear to support Russia’s barbaric war against Ukraine and the war crimes committed by the…

Note on Russian Clubs

Egbert Hertsen | ON4CAS

Please note that, effective Feb. 24, ’22, I have cancelled my membership in Russian and Belarusian clubs. Most of these clubs appear to support Russia’s barbaric war against Ukraine and the war crimes committed by the Russian regime. Therefore, a…


Had some fun in the BCC QSO Party which allowed me to upgrade my WABCC 40 award to the next level. The party lasted for 2 hours and was conducted on 80m only.  

WABCC 40 Award

Egbert Hertsen | ON4CAS

Just in: the WABCC 40 Award for working 40 members of the Bavarian Contest Club during its 40th anniversary year 2023. Have a look at the Bavarian Contest Club webpage.

CWops: CWT short contest

Egbert Hertsen | ON4CAS

Only started earlier this year, but whenever I have the time, I’d like to join the CWT series held on Wednesdays & Thursdays. Always nice to meet a friendly bunch of people during this one-hour contest run.