Historic 1000 Miglia Award 2024

Very happy to add the Italian “Historic 1000 Miglia Award 2024” to my collection.
Very happy to add the Italian “Historic 1000 Miglia Award 2024” to my collection.
About the only thing I know about soccer is that 22 people kick a ball. But of course, if there is any activity in the radio amateur field concerning Euro 2024, ON4CAS wants to score a goal. This is the…
A commemorative certificate was issued for contacting the 4X2DS DXpedition operating from the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth.
The Czech radio club Velvary, OK1OFF, is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Happy to add this commemorative certificate to my collection. Discover here how you may obtain the award.
The Polish DX Club is celebrating its 65th anniversary. Five special event stations are being aired and a commemorative certificate is available for working all of them. Have a look at this page for info.
Once more some eQSLs were waiting to be downloaded. Here’s a small selection.
Having worked the British special event station GB6WW on three different bands, I was granted a certificate.
Happy to add the “Relais de la flamme olympique” award to my collection
ON4CAS has been granted membership of the Hungarian CW Group.
A commemorative award is being issued for making contact with the Polish special event station HF100ZLOTY.