QSL Bureau April ’23

I’ve seen more cards arriving via the bureau on a particular month but I guess it’s a sign of the times that less and less people are sending out cards via the bureau system with electronic alternatives available. Anyway, happy…
I’ve seen more cards arriving via the bureau on a particular month but I guess it’s a sign of the times that less and less people are sending out cards via the bureau system with electronic alternatives available. Anyway, happy…
It’s been a few days, so I again downloaded the eQSLs of my inbox. As usual, here’s a small selection of the “non standard design” cards.
Another batch of eQSLs were waiting to be downloaded. As usual, I’m just showing some of the “non standard” eQSL cards…
Some 75 eQSLs were waiting to be downloaded from my ON4CAS account. Unfortuantely, some HAMs seem to have little imagination when it comes to QSL design as they simply use the standard cards provided by eQSL which are – how…
Thanks postman for the 7Q5RU QSL card which I received in the mail today.
Since it was about a week or so I last downloaded my eQSL inbox, I took the time to import the newly received eQSLs in my DX4WIN & HAM OFFICE logbookprograms. Some 75 cards were waiting to be downloaded. Here…
This morning, the postman brought along VE3MB’s QSL card. Although the QSL bureau between Canada & Belgium works perfectly, this guy seemed to be in a hurry. I’m happy about every card I receive!
Today in the mail: V26OC & N3OC QSL cards
This month’s batch of bureau QSLs included cards from Germany, France, USA, Slovenia, Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Canada. Highlight was confirmation of my contact with 9X4XX in Muhanga, Rwanda.