Club Members
The amateur radio world has numerous areas of interest. Some of them have established clubs of their own. They often issue awards for confirmed contacts with their members.
But local chapters of national IARU societies also often offer certificates to those who established contacts with their members.
Worked High Speed Club (Germany)
Jubiliee Award ADRES (Luxemburg)
Worked 9A CW Group (Croatia)
Red Ink Award (Germany)
CLARA Award (Canada)
FISTS Gold Award
Worked DIG Ukraine
Diplôme de l'Union française des Télégraphistes (France)
Blaulicht Diplom (Germany
Worked DIG Slovenia
Worked AGCW-DL Members
Albany Amateur Radio Association Award (USA)
Worked DIG Members (Germany)
OSA Antwerpen Award (Belgium)
Washington Totem Award (USA)
75th Anniversary Frankford Radio Club (USA)
YUCWK (Serbia)
Worked RTC Members (Germany)
Worked Contest Club Finland
DL YL 500 (Germany)
Worked Russian DIG Members
Worked NTC Members (Netherlands)
Worked DIG Poland