ON4CAS Club Memberships
MCL (Mechelen)
my local UBA division
and... a bunch of other clubs
discover my club memberships below

National IARU Societies

Besides my own IARU Society, I’m also member of several other national radio associations.

Egbert Hertsen | ON4CAS

Telegraphy Clubs

Making contacts in voice modes is fun, but in telegraphy they become art.
Here’s an overview of the telegraphy clubs of which I’m a proud member.


Award Clubs

Associations that group radio amateurs with a special interest in award chasing.

DX Clubs

Associations with a special interest in DX.

Contest Clubs

Associations with a special interest in DX.

Digimodes Clubs

Associations with a special interest in digital modes.

Bands Clubs

Associations with a particular interest in certain bands.

Other Associations

Associations not fitting in the above listed categories.

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