National & Regional Islands Awards
Needless to say IOTA is the stronghold when it comes to islands.
Some countries or regions also sponsor awards for working islands, even tiny ones.
Deursches Nordsee Insel Diplom (Germany)
Mediterranean Islands Award (Italy)
Lakshdweep & Minicoy Award (India)
Greek Islands Award
Worked All Orkney Islands
Sicilian Islands Award (Italy)
Diploma Caribe
Diplôme des Iles de la France Metropole
Nusantara Award (Indonesia)
Ukraine Islands Award
Italian Islands Award
Diploma Ilhas Brasileiras (Brzal)
Insel Helgoland Diplom (Germany)
Diploma Islas Espanolas (Spain)
Galapagos Islands Award
Deutsches Insel Diplom
Russian Robinson HR Plaque
Islands of West Dvina River (Belarus)
DM50IOTA Award (Germany)
Canadian Islands Award
Baikal Islands Award (Russia)
Salento Islands Award (Italy)
IOTA Jubilee
Azores Island Hunt
VU Coastal islands Award (India)
Japanese IOTA Islands Award
Islands of Scotland Award
St.Petersburg Islands Award (Russia)
Danish Islands Award (Denmark)
Diploma Islas Chilenas
VK9 Award (Australia)